Gemini and Google Machine Learning: How It Is Changing the Digital Marketing Industry?
FEB 01, 2024
Google Machine Learning has proven to be a reliable and powerful tool in managing the daily functions of every account it holds. It demonstrates the remarkable role machine learning plays in optimising performance, efficiency, and profitability in digital advertising. By using the power of generative AI, Google Ads is creating a new era of AI-powered ads that will shape the future of digital advertising.
Creative Assets: Embrace Quality, Ditch the Ruler
FEB 01, 2024
The landscape of Google Ads is constantly evolving, and staying current with creative asset guidelines is crucial for success. With Google’s recently improved AI capabilities, flexible AI powered campaigns reign supreme. Let's talk about the building blocks of these campaigns: your creative assets. Forget about pixel-perfect sizes; Google now prioritizes high-quality, eye-catching images that adapt to different ad formats.
Google Ads Efficiency: Learn How To Make Your Campaigns More Efficient
FEB 01, 2024
Google Ads can be a powerful tool, but it's easy to feel frustrated when your campaigns aren't delivering the desired results. Let's dive into some strategies for optimizing your Google Ads campaigns, boosting their efficiency and effectiveness.
Google Attribution Vs. Facebook – Which One Should I Use?
FEB 01, 2024
We have many customers that ask us “why doesn’t my Google Analytics and Facebook reporting align?” The reason is attribution.

Google Analytics and Facebook attribute sales in different ways which results in different numbers being reported. This can be confusing and can make it difficult to understand the full extent of your advertising performance.
Promotion Assets Google Ads: Will Improve Your ROI: A Case Study
FEB 01, 2024
Google Ads can be a powerful tool, but it's easy to feel frustrated when your campaigns aren't delivering the desired results. Let's dive into some strategies for optimizing your Google Ads campaigns, boosting their efficiency and effectiveness.
Social Media Terms You Need To Know In 2024
FEB 01, 2024
The reverberations of the COVID-19 pandemic have transformed consumer behaviour, with lasting impacts on the ways people socialise and shop. One of the most significant changes for retailers is the continued evolution of social media use and the corresponding growth in social commerce. It’s a shift retailers need to capitalise on in 2024.
Why Tracking is Crucial for Your Marketing Success
FEB 01, 2024
Imagine navigating the ever-changing digital marketing landscape blindfolded. Yikes! That’s where tracking comes in, shining a bright light on your campaigns and revealing what’s working (and what’s not). By keeping tabs on user behavior, conversions, and campaign performance, you can optimize your strategies, allocate resources wisely, and achieve those all-important goals. 
YouTube Ads: Data-Driven Insights to Conquer the Platform
FEB 01, 2024
YouTube, with its 2 billion monthly viewers, is a vibrant landscape for businesses to connect with engaged audiences. But navigating its advertising intricacies can be daunting. Fear not, data-driven insights are your secret weapon! Buckle up and discover the power of:
Accusantium Ut
March 21, 2024
Et modi ut iste recusandae similique eos adipisci. Repellendus velit pariatur. Aut rerum est illo aspernatur tenetur perspiciatis. Repudiandae deserunt quae at et laborum. Recusandae eveniet quod ratione.
Nisi Dolores Quas Quos
March 21, 2024
Quaerat molestias explicabo soluta incidunt vel ut libero aut vitae. Ea nostrum repudiandae atque esse qui odit aperiam quia. Ipsa laudantium rerum consequatur explicabo magni. Perferendis eum consequuntur quasi sed.
Eaque Debitis Sapiente
March 21, 2024
Repellat officiis numquam id cupiditate unde. Molestiae unde culpa. Facilis laudantium et voluptatibus at aliquid et. Odit consectetur incidunt itaque. Est assumenda doloribus sed voluptatem. Voluptatum debitis deleniti ipsum libero atque ipsum voluptatem quos quis.
Veritatis Enim At
March 21, 2024
Commodi debitis nulla fugit cum repudiandae impedit. Deleniti nemo natus vel quam sit quae voluptatem ut. Minima cum fuga. Quia molestiae non. Aliquid sed inventore est nihil aliquam.
Corporis Aliquid Reiciendis
March 21, 2024
Sed quia reiciendis accusamus vero totam. Quis rerum velit natus. Consequatur ratione voluptatibus iusto.

Press Release

FEB 01, 2024
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt.
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FEB 01, 2024
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt.
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FEB 01, 2024
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt.
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